Sister Classes

Sister Classes

A sisters Halaqa takes place at 11:30am every Tuesday morning. This is led by Aalima Sana Izhar. It’s a great opportunity for the sisters to learn about Deen and get the answers to their questions from a qualified Aalima.

As the Holy Quran is our guidance in life, we ask Allah the Almighty to make the light of it reach everywhere without borders! Thanks to technology, Muslim women all over the world, from all age groups, can now learn to read the Quran or increase their knowledge of it through online and one-on-one lessons. Class Teacher: A female teacher studied in Egypt and attained an Ijaaza (a well esteemed qualification that has an authentic chain reaching our beloved Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) in the recitation of the Qur’aan 10 years ago.